Daily Struggles

When I first found out about having fibro I did not know what to think. I just knew I was having really bad moments of pain and depression and anxiety so bad that it took hours to calm down. Plus I could sleep for hours and hours. But that all changed the day I found out about the fibro.

It has been over a year since I left my job. On a daily day I can have good days. Days when I hurt by they are not as bad. I can get a lot done mostly at night. But then there are days when I have body shakes and spasms real bad. I hurt all over. I feel like my head is going to blow up. I feel like I got the flu bug that won’t go away. Light hurts my head and eyes real bad. I can’t even get off the bed. My body hurts all over. I feel like I was in a car wreck plus was just doing eight hours of working out. I also feel like my body is on fire all over.

On those days all I can do is sleep. I feel like sometimes my wife does not understand. God bless her she really tries to understand but the truth is unless you are in shoes of someone who has this you can never fully understand. I went to the doctor one time and the doctor we went to told me he does not give out drugs. He looked at me like I was a pot head. Screw you dude. Do I look like a pot head? No I do not. I am just a man who in his early thirties who wish he could be the best he can be for his wife and family. But sadly it does not work that way.

One of my main struggles is I struggle with remember things. I can remember something’s but others I can not. Mostly when I am put on the spot.

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