the struggle with summer heat and having a illness

Summer time for me is the worst time of the year. Since 2012 I have had almost mental and complete break downs from mid July to mid August. I used to be able to handle the heat. Working in retail for thirteen years I would bring in karts. I was the only day time bag boy for many of those years.

But when I turn thirty my body begin to slowly change. I begin to notice I was having mental break downs. I could not handle the heat like I used to.

Then something else happen. I found out I had fibro. I found out there was a reason for my mental breakdowns and why I was hurting all the time and feeling like I had a sun burn that never went away and why I was hurting so bad I was in tears.

Getting fibro did help a lot with the question I wanted answer for. But it also caused more problems. I begin to learn that I had to changed my whole life style. What I was used to doing I could not do anymore. I had to learn to relive all over again.

During the fall, winter and spring my pain is not as bad as it is in the summer time. Don’t get me wrong I still have really bad pain and I still struggle all the time but there is something about the heat that kills the body more.

On a normal day I used to be able to work outside in the heat. But now even five minutes is over doing it. When you have an illness and you have to reexamine your life and learn to live again, you begin to notice things like heat.

You also begin to notice how it can cause stress levels to rise. Heat is already bad enough but when you add an illness on top of that it becomes hell on earth to even live during that time of the year.


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